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Today I will like to talk more about low carb nutritions and fasting lifestyle:
Combining intermittent fasting (IF) with a low-carb diet can be effective for weight management and metabolic health. Fasting triggers the same fat-burning process as a low-carb diet, and the two methods can complement each other.
Here are some tips for combining IF and a low-carb diet:
Start with a 14:10 or 16:8 approachFor example, you could stop eating around 6–7 PM and resume eating around 10–11 AM, so most of your fasting happens while you sleep.
Focus on protein and healthy fatsThese provide lasting energy and satiety, which are important during fasting periods.
Eat low-carb vegetablesLeafy greens and cruciferous veggies provide nutrients and fiber without extra carbohydrates.
Avoid temptations
You could try staying out of the grocery store and shopping with an app to avoid reaching for carb-heavy foods. You could also avoid restaurants until you feel confident you can make the right choices.